Contact Us
Always-on protection, detection and restoration for the global telecommunications industry.

100 Harris St
Sydney, NSW
Australia 2009
+61 2 8355 5270
Hong Kong
Billion Centre
1 Wang Kwong Road
Kowloon Bay
Hong Kong SAR
+852 8192 9518
North America
75 Broadway, Suite 202
San Francisco
California 94111
United States of America
+1 561 472 5200
Wontok’s Offices
The importance of cyber security in today’s digitally-driven world can no longer be overlooked, and businesses across all industries need to implement a comprehensive, integrated cyber security solution that will protect all facets of business, including web, network, cloud, and end points.

Wontok One
Wontok’s best in class prevention and endpoint security solutions are delivered via the Wontok One service delivery platform. Wontok One is a fully scalable provisioning, licensing, commerce, and management platform that delivers white labelled or branded solutions that are propriety or from third parties.